LUMIFLON Coatings Dominate The International Bridge Market

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin, Kiyosu Bridge
Advanced coating technologies have been initiated to find low maintenance solutions for bridges that eliminate the need to repaint. Bridges are especially vulnerable to severe weathering and therefore environmental degradation. Dependent on geographic location, they are exposed to UV radiation, substantial temperature fluctuations, wind, and salt water.

LUMIFLON Resin Renews Corroded Water Tank In America’s Best Small Town

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin, Waunakee Elevated Water Tank, Tnemec, Architecture
The Village of Waunakee, Wisconsin was honored by CNN/Money as one of “America’s Best Small Towns.” It’s decidedly noticeable water tank required an update that reflected the Village’s honor. According to Tnemec coating consultant Cory Erickson, the tank’s aluminum exterior finish was nearing the end of its useful life. Additionally, condensation staining and mildew covered the lower portion of the tank.

LUMIFLON Based Coatings Widen Architectural Color Palette

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin, Korea Konkuk University Art College, Photo Mitsubishi Plastics Composites America
Since its creation in 1982, fluororesin paints based on LUMIFLON have been produced by manufacturers around the world and applied to thousands of architectural structures. As the first solvent-soluble fluoropolymer for coatings to be cured at room temperature, LUMIFLON based coatings have color vibrancy not obtainable with PVDF technology. Due to the finishes’ crystal clear quality, LUMIFLON produces a brighter, cleaner range of colors than its PVDF counterpart.

LUMIFLON FEVE Based Coatings Transform Metal Roof Corrosion

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin, Village Harbor Office, All-Tech Decorating Company, Completed Green Roof Panels
The integrity and appearance of the 8,000 s/f metal roof of the Village Harbor Office was undermined due to the roof panels’ loss of adhesion and red rust corrosion through the factory baked-on finish. The Village Harbor Association, owner of the building, needed a low-maintenance, field-applied coating system that would withstand South Carolina’s demanding climate, retain color strength and gloss, and offer a long term warranty.

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin Used To Intensify Prismatic Color Series

LUMIFLON FEVE Resin, Gijang Fire Station, Mitsubishi Plastics Composites America
The dynamic series of ALPOLIC® Prismatic colors were developed by ALPOLIC and a coatings manufacturer using LUMIFLON FEVE resin technology. Each of the colors featured in the series has incredible depth that allows the panels to appear to change color upon visual perspective. Applied in a three-coat process, the final clear coat, with specialized mica flake, as well as the solid base coat feature LUMIFLON FEVE resin.