ann arbor water tank michigan tnemec hydroflon lumiflon feve

City officials in Ann Arbor created a contest for the best tank design to adorn the water tower near the Stadium/Washtenaw split. The winning entry was from Bill Burgard, freelance illustrator and designer and University of Michigan Stamps School of Art and Design lecturer. His design for the 500-gallon water tank features Huron River locals, the swan, sandhill crane, woodpecker, bird of prey, and bluegill fish.

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Water Tank, Tnemec Company, Mlive

Burgard stated, ” I felt what was up there should reflect what’s local and what we think of when we think of our water system. Also, I really liked the idea that the water tower is up in the sky, where the birds are, and they hang out in the river, too, so I thought it was a nice kind of natural combination.”

The water tank was primed with an advanced moisture-cured zinc-rich urethane, providing superior corrosion resistance. The tank then received an intermediate coat and additional topcoat—each coating providing long-lasting performance with ultra-violet (UV) light absorbers. Lastly, the tank was finished with Tnemec’s Series 700 HydroFlon coating.

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Water Tank, Tnemec Company, Mlive

Anthony Hartwig, a Coating Consultant with Tnemec, further explains, “Series 700 was the best choice for the tank’s extensive design. This product is formulated specifically for water tank exteriors and will provide unsurpassed color and gloss retention.”

Burgard’s design was chosen out of nearly 600 entries. His award-winning design was also the recipient of Tnemec Company’s 2016 Tank of the Year. Since 2006, the tank of the year competition “has celebrated the innovative and creative uses of its coatings on water tanks from across the U.S. and Canada.”

Ann Arbor water towers fresh paint from Steve Winchester on Vimeo.

Featured Image © Tnemec Company
Post Images courtesy of MLive- Michigan News

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