Katy City Water Tank Tnemec Tank of the Year HydroFlon Lumiflon FEVE Resin

This year’s winner of Tnemec’s Tank of the Year contest is located in Katy, Texas. The pair of municipal tanks won the favor of the judges, who assessed each entrant on a criteria that was based off aesthetic, community impact, and the challenges presented during the project.

Doug Hansen, Director — Water Tank Market for Tnemec, describes, “Rolf and Peter Goetzinger of Spokane, Washington, used a HydroFlon fluoropolymer coating system to paint their murals that extend above and below the handrails that encircle the tanks.”

The tank showcases a beautiful contrast between the bold red print emblazoned across the center of the tank, spelling out “Katy,” and the ripples of light blue that wrap around the structure. A handful of geese are included in the design of the tank, appearing to take flight.

Hansen explains, “The murals represent a connection to the Katy Prairie Conservancy area where geese go to winter.”

Water tanks and other structures that are constantly exposed to the elements require a coating system that will last for extended lengths of time. Tnemec’s HydroFlon, a fluoropolymer that employs Lumiflon FEVE resin technology, was used as a topcoat, creating an exceptional coating system.

Lumiflon FEVE resin provides protection to architectural surfaces, helping to prevent coating degradation at the hands of UV radiation, salt, and water. FEVE-based coatings also offer superior color and gloss retention, something that is important when using eye-catching colors on a water tank, and anti-corrosion properties that maintain the coating’s structural integrity.

“This is the 13th anniversary of the competition, which recognizes the most impressive coatings projects in the water tank industry,” shares Hansen. “Nearly 270 water tanks were nominated, and more than 30,000 online votes were cast this year from across the US and Canada. This year’s finalists represent several different types of water tanks including legged designs, composite constructions, ground storage tanks, pedestal stylus in various shapes and sizes, as well as tanks used to store methane captured from sewage treatment.”

Photo courtesy of My Fort Bend

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