Kandalaksha Russia BIO Architects DublDom ALPOLIC Lumiflon FEVE Resin

On Mount Volosyanaya in the Russian town of Kandalaksha, a self-sufficient modular home stands, its fiery red color contrasting wonderfully with the town’s snow-covered landscape. The energy-efficient dwelling was the latest example of DublDom, Moscow-based BIO-Architects’ line of prefabricated modular homes.

Kandalaksha Russia BIO Architects DublDom ALPOLIC Lumiflon FEVE Resin

Since the house was to be airlifted in place by helicopter, selecting lightweight, yet durable materials were critical factors in the final design. The process of designing the structure took approximately a year; however, installation only occupied 45 minutes.

Kandalaksha Russia BIO Architects DublDom ALPOLIC Lumiflon FEVE Resin

Architect and founder of BIO Architects Ivan Ovchinnikov states, “Due to combining high-tech materials we managed to halve the weight of the modules. The materials and the coating are calculated to be used at low temperatures and high wind loads.” The building’s signature bright red exterior is comprised of ALPOLIC aluminum composite material.

Kandalaksha Russia BIO Architects DublDom ALPOLIC Lumiflon FEVE Resin

The remote town of Kandalaksha can reach frigid temperatures, a fortress of ice and snow pitched just north of the Arctic Circle. The wintry conditions of this town leave architectural structures constantly exposed to freezing temperatures, risking the structural integrity of the coatings. For a prefabricated dwelling meant to remain off-grid, applying a long-lasting, durable, and fairly low-maintenance coating is most beneficial. The solution: Lumiflon FEVE resin technology, which is applied to ALPOLIC’s aluminum composite panels.

FEVE-based coating systems provides architectural surfaces with exceptional durability, even in the face of UV radiation, water, and salt. These high-performance fluoropolymers also boast unparalleled color and gloss retention, allowing even the brightest, most colorful surfaces to maintain their conditions for extended lengths of time.

Photos courtesy of Dwell

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