crace medical center australian capital terrirtory amc architects vitragroup vitrapanel vitreflon ai coatings lumiflon

Married doctor duo Dr. John and Dr. Mel Deery operate the Crace Medical Center and YourGP@Crace, a facility that is located in the suburb of Crace, Australian Capital Territory. The medical center was a dream of the couple, both aspiring to provide for the community with quality medical care through a family-run medical practice; these goals were both acknowledged and commended by Australia’s Former Federal Minister for Health, Peter Dutton, in June 2014. The family clinic is home to five general practitioners and it also offers physiotherapy and pathology services.

The $3 million project was the work of AMC Architects, who chose design elements that would allow the facility to blend in with the general award-winning design of the Crace suburb. At first glance, the Crace Medical Center appears to be a structure that is the picture of health and wellness. The semi-circle, single-story site, which totals to approximately 9,700 square-feet, sits on the summit of a hill, its elegance enhanced by its peculiar roof. The low-set building has a stone plinth base, similar to many structures throughout the Crace community. The Crace Medical Center is an artful composition of composite timber panels that have been framed by steel.

crace medical center australian capital terrirtory amc architects vitragroup vitrapanel vitreflon ai coatings lumiflon

The entrances in the front and back of the building are enveloped in Vitragroup’s Vitrapanel, which is a fiber cement cladding. To prevent coat degradation caused by UV radiation, rain, wind, and other elemental factors that all exterior coating systems are often subjected to, A&I Coatings’ Vitreflon 700 two pack fluoropolymer coating was added to the cladding panels. Vitreflon employs Lumiflon FEVE resin technology that will allow coatings to remain intact under intense conditions for an extended period of time. The next-generation fluoropolymer provides high-quality performances without ever sacrificing the color and gloss retention of a coating system.

Information courtesy of A&I Coatings

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