LUMIFLON USA, FEVE Resin, Environmental Coatings, Dinosaur Bridge

LUMIFLON (Fluoroethylene vinyl ether or FEVE) fluoropolymer resins were developed over 30 years ago. These resins are used to make ultra-weatherable fluorourethane coatings for architectural, industrial, automotive, aerospace, and alternative energy markets. In some cases, topcoats made with these resins have expected lifetimes exceeding 60 years. These coatings are especially useful in areas where high levels of UV exposure are present, including desert areas and countries close to the equator. The use of fluoropolymer topcoats substantially reduces life cycle costs associated with repainting structures and vehicles. Substantial reductions in air and water pollution and in greenhouse gas emissions can also be achieved.

The first FEVE resins developed were solvent grade products typically dissolved in xylene. Xylene is extremely photochemically reactive, meaning it contributes to smog formation much more than other solvents. In response to increasingly strict volatile organic compound (VOC) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS) regulations, more environmentally friendly FEVE resins have been developed. These include solid resins, which can be dissolved in less reactive solvents, water emulsion and dispersion resins which can be formulated to meet all US VOC and HAPS regulations, and powder coating resins, which contain no solvents at all.

This paper will discuss the basic chemistry and physical properties of FEVE resin based coatings, including accelerated and long term weathering and corrosion resistance. Each resin type will then be discussed: solid FEVE resins, water based resins, and powder coating resins. Examples of typical applications for each resin will be discussed. Finally, a life cycle cost analysis will compare the cost of FEVE coatings compared to polyurethanes.

Presentation Details:
ABRAFATI 2013 Conference
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tuesday, September 17th

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