Built in 1871, the St. Augustine Lighthouse is an important landmark in Florida. Located 165 feet above the United States’ oldest port, the lighthouse receives hundreds of visitors everyday. Recently, the lighthouse received a revitalizing red fluoropolymer coating system that was provided by Tnemec.
Bill Langer of Florida Coatings Consultants, Inc. explained, “The lighthouse is a historical landmark, which made the renovation a very exciting project. The old paint on top of the lighthouse kept fading and was continually being repainted, so the owners wanted a coating system with long-term color and gloss retention.”
The four-coat system which was completed with Tnemec’s Series 1072 Fluoronar, an FEVE fluoropolymer, was applied to the lighthouse after properly prepping the surface.
“The coating contractor had to go very easy when they prepared the surface because the metal was more than 140 years old. They had to carefully remove the paint without damaging the metal,” Langer stated.
When choosing the coating system, it was crucial to find a color that would match the lighthouse’s original iconic red hue. The color had to be a very specific red,” Langer explained, “Several different shades of red were submitted in order to find a match. The color they chose was Safety Red.”
Because the coating system is fortified with Lumiflon FEVE resin technology, the vibrant red color on the lighthouse is expected to last for decades. Lumiflon FEVE resin provides a plethora of benefits which include superior weatherability, durability and color and gloss retention. Since Lumiflon FEVE resin technology protects coatings from UV radiation, water, salt and other elemental deterrents that contribute the coating degradation, the lighthouse will remain in pristine condition for decades to come.

Categories Water Tanks/Infrastructure