seven clans casino red lake minnesota dsgw architects acm alucobond spectra

The Seven Clans Casino Red Lake is a structure that sits on the intersection of modern architecture and the preservation of indigenous traditions. The $21 million building is in Red Lake, Minnesota and is owned by the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, who relayed their wishes for the architects to integrate indigenous architectural elements into the casino’s design. DSGW Architects of Duluth, Minn. worked with the community elders to develop a project that incorporated traditional details into the modernized casino. The end result is a 65,840 square-foot establishment, crafted to resemble a traditional indigenous “longhouse.”

It was important to the client that the architects design a complex that was reflective of the area, as Red Lake holds cultural importance to the residing indigenous population’s heritage. Red Lake’s woodland environment was also incorporated into the design, resulting in an artful combination of stone and wood. To further enhance the casino’s woodland theme, architects sought after a cladding that would imitate rippling water of Red Lake. Alucobond Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) was chosen for this task.

seven clans casino red lake minnesota dsgw architects acm alucobond spectra lumiflon feve

The casino complex is enveloped in 3,250 square-feet of Alucobond Spectra Ocean. The color-changing cladding is fabricated to create a series of waves which are enhanced by the shimmering coating system on the 4mm ACM. The dynamic Spectra Ocean cladding is accompanied by an LED lighting system, which produces a dazzling display of colors dancing across the material.

seven clans casino red lake minnesota dsgw architects acm alucobond spectra lumiflon feve

Red Lake Gaming chief operating officer, Raymond J. Benny, stated, “With the reflective qualities and the design of the panels, you get the impression of the moon shimmering off the lake at night. There’s no other casino or business in this area like it. The Alucobond is well-made and the installation looks outstanding. The wave pattern creates a very unique appearance.” The image of waves was also included inside the casino and further integrated with the casino’s woodland appearance. Spectra Ocean panels can be spotted both behind the check-in desk in the lobby and over the gift shop.

seven clans casino red lake minnesota dsgw architects acm alucobond spectra lumiflon feve

The Alucobond Spectra line can be expected to withstand the humid continental climate of Minnesota, especially during the colder months, where the material must resist the wintry conditions. The material is coated with Lumiflon FEVE resin clear topcoat that ensures color and gloss retention, even in the harshest conditions.

Information and photos courtesy of Design and Build With Metal, Minnesota Casino Guide, and Alucobond®

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