At the tenth anniversary Commercial Real Estate Awards in Moscow, Krasnodar, Russia’s OZ Shopping and Entertainment Center emerged as the best large shopping mall in the country. Designed by Group Dyer, the OZ Mall Krasnoder is the first-ever shopping center to be completed from a multi-million dollar project whose main objective is to build similar shopping centers throughout Russia.
The flagship project, which was completed in 2013, bares a “…creative, energetic, dynamic, exciting, and aesthetically-pleasing” design. Spanning approximately 2,368,060 square-feet, the Krasnodar OZ Mall’s design is centered around the movie theater, restaurants, and other entertainment spaces. According to the architects, the design of these areas was critical to the building’s overall aesthetic.
With this architectural design, a new model in retail malls was introduced to Russia.
The architects further elaborated on the model, stating, “The development of the next generation model endorses the principles of lean thinking allowing the client to further develop a supply chain partnership throughout Russia delivering best value in the design, construction and management of shopping and leisure centers with an aim of passing this ethos to their customers—the tenants—and their customers—the shoppers.”
Lumiflon-coated aluminum composite panels from ALPOLIC envelope the building, showcasing the exterior’s soft wave-like shape. Some benefits FEVE-coated surfaces receive include exceptional longevity, durability, and weatherability. Lumiflon FEVE resin provide coating systems with protection from moisture, salt, and UV radiation for decades, preventing premature coating degradation. The usage of Lumiflon FEVE resin technology on high-exposure buildings like the OZ Mall in Russia’s climate is key to preserving the mall’s unique exterior.
Photos courtesy of Trip Advisor

Categories Architecture