Edmondson Park Station Sydney Australia KI Studio AMBS VitraGroup VitraPanel AI Coatings VItreflon Lumiflon FEVE Resin

Along the walls of the Edmondson Park Railway Station in Sydney, artwork depicting the area’s cultural landscape can be seen. The works of art were part of a project headed up by KI Studio in collaboration with heritage consultants at AMBS. Contemporary art expressing cultural identity and historical landscapes in an environmentally conscientious manner emerged as a priority for the project. The end result was a stunning mixture of sustainable urban and landscape design used as a means to preserve culture, teach history, and engage with a growing community.

Sepia-toned photographs which display enlarged historical photos of the Sydney suburb are presented on large strips of fiber cement. The panels, provided by VitraGroup, were custom-printed for the project.

Edmondson Park Station Sydney Australia KI Studio AMBS VitraGroup VitraPanel AI Coatings VItreflon Lumiflon FEVE Resin

VitraGroup’s fiber cement panels, VitraPanel, employ A&I Coatings’ Vitreflon, a low-VOC fluoropolymer that features Lumiflon FEVE resin. High-performance coating systems that contain Lumiflon FEVE resin offer architectural surfaces a plethora of different benefits, all of which ultimately help maintain the structural integrity of the coatings. Substrates which feature FEVE resin technology are provided with longevity and durability in addition to excellent color and gloss retention, anti-corrosion and graffiti properties, and superior weatherability, essentially protecting architectural coatings from UV radiation, water, salt and other elemental deterrents that contribute to coating degradation.

Edmondson Park Station Sydney Australia KI Studio AMBS VitraGroup VitraPanel AI Coatings VItreflon Lumiflon FEVE Resin

The utilization of an advanced coating system like Vitreflon proves beneficial for high-exposure structures like the Edmondson Park Railway Station, especially since it is exposed to the tropical Australian weather. Lumiflon FEVE resin ensures that the station’s artfully-designed “cultural landscape panels” will remain in pristine condition for decades.

Photos courtesy of VitraGroup

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