S-Shaped Bridge Becomes Landmark For Cyclists And Pedestrians In Historic Bristol

Castle Bridge, Finzels Reach, Bristol, UK, Photography Finzels Reach Bridge
Castle Bridge is nearly 300 feet long. Connecting Finzels Reach and the city center of Bristol, the bridge is composed of curved steel and timber decking. The bridge sits atop Bristol’s historic waterway and has become a city landmark, serving both cyclists and pedestrians. The bridge offers a gateway to the ferry landing station, Castle Park and popular shopping destinations.

Works Of Art Immortalized With Lumiflon FEVE Resin

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Art is one of the best ways to express oneself, and there are a multitude of mediums that are used for artistic expression as well. Over the years, artists have been coming up with more out-of-the-box methods to share their talents with the world, spanning from a single painting on a piece of canvas in your bedroom all the way to a single sculpture that is absolutely crucial to a city’s identity. Artistic expression in the form of murals, statues, architecture is important for growth within the city. It encourages and welcomes culture, and gives a city its own unique personality.